Friday, March 28, 2014,29307,1636836,00.html,29307,1636836,00.html,29307,1636836,00.html,29307,1636836,00.html,29307,1636836,00.html,29307,1636836,00.html,29307,1636836,00.html,29307,1636836,00.html,29307,1636836,00.html

The iPhone developed by the apple corporation in 2007 has become the model t of the 21st century. A  object of statues and wealth , although though of as common place in the US , they are highly prized in developing nations. 

Texting revolutized communication and became a huge driving force in 21 century youth culture , were the spread and creativity of symbols, numbers and letters unknowly gave birth to a whole new typography and from of linguistics.
The mobile phone build in camera revolutized photography and with the inception and synthesis of the internet and social network allowed for unprecedented coverage and spread of photography, creating the " Selfie " . 
Although mobile telephones would remain expensive luxury products through the 90's , a product marketed to Buissnes and professionals, this Barbie from 1999 tells of the explosion of celluer technology will make on youth culture in 2000's and 2010's , changing education ,social, sexual, consumer,linguistic habits with in a decade. 

1997: Ahead of its Time
Philips introduces an early attempt at a digital "smart phone." The unit, called "The Synergy" provided wireless access to e-mail, internet and faxes.

1972: Portable
A model shows off a unit that could dial into telephone systems, displayed at a London exhibition entitled, "Communications Today, Tomorrow and the Future."