Friday, March 28, 2014,29307,1636836,00.html,29307,1636836,00.html,29307,1636836,00.html,29307,1636836,00.html,29307,1636836,00.html,29307,1636836,00.html,29307,1636836,00.html,29307,1636836,00.html,29307,1636836,00.html

The iPhone developed by the apple corporation in 2007 has become the model t of the 21st century. A  object of statues and wealth , although though of as common place in the US , they are highly prized in developing nations. 

Texting revolutized communication and became a huge driving force in 21 century youth culture , were the spread and creativity of symbols, numbers and letters unknowly gave birth to a whole new typography and from of linguistics.
The mobile phone build in camera revolutized photography and with the inception and synthesis of the internet and social network allowed for unprecedented coverage and spread of photography, creating the " Selfie " . 
Although mobile telephones would remain expensive luxury products through the 90's , a product marketed to Buissnes and professionals, this Barbie from 1999 tells of the explosion of celluer technology will make on youth culture in 2000's and 2010's , changing education ,social, sexual, consumer,linguistic habits with in a decade. 

1997: Ahead of its Time
Philips introduces an early attempt at a digital "smart phone." The unit, called "The Synergy" provided wireless access to e-mail, internet and faxes.

1972: Portable
A model shows off a unit that could dial into telephone systems, displayed at a London exhibition entitled, "Communications Today, Tomorrow and the Future."
1970's mobile telephone ad, mobile telecommunication is one of 20th century consumer capitalism most sucssful products. 
Early 1946 telecommunication experiment in the USA. 
WW II era mobile telecommunications ,used the most advanced radio technology along side the acient domesticated horse throught the euopen war theater, to coordinate the liberation of  Europe from the Nazis. 
1922: Pioneer
The police in Chicago experiment with a radio telephone which broadcast at a frequency just above the AM radio band.

Tuesday, March 18, 2014

A survey of work from 1900 to 1930

Russia’s transformation into a industrial nation , from mystical backwater. Crimea , Azerbaijan , Ukraine , Russia .Konstance Bogaesky

Russia’s transformation into a industrial nation , from mystical backwater. Crimea , Azerbaijan , Ukraine , Russia .Konstance Bogaesky

Friday, March 14, 2014

Hawaii became a state in 1959 on August 21st. Many  rupublican segregationists  opposed Hawaiian statehood on the grounds that it would tip the balance of power in the  senate to start a more rapid civil rights campaign as well as the states unique states as a white minority demography. Once the islands achieved statehood a massive progressive and liberalization in industry, politics, education, and life style soon followed. Liberal democrats have held virtually every elected office in the state since it's inception into the union more then  55 years ago. Our current president Barak Obama was born in a Honolulu hospital in 1961, our first Hawaiian born president. 

Japan's surprise bombing of the US navel fleet at Pearl Harbor on  the 7nth of December in 1941 marked the entrance of the United States into war with Japan and direct war against the Axis in Europe. The Japanese had been on a bloody fiery pillage across Asia since 1937, millions of men, woman, and children had perished at the hands of the Japanese empire. The western colonial powers of France, England and The Netherlands were preoccupied with the War against Nazi Germany and were unable to hold off Japanese take over of their East Asian holdings , not that they would have cared much as to the condition of the natives as much as the lose of recourses. The United States continued it's isolationism, yet continued to meddle in Latin America and obviously had taken possession of the Hawaiian islands by this point. 

Here follows Gresham’s report to President Cleveland regarding U.S. intervention in Hawai‘i that took place under President Benjamin Harrison’s administration.

Department of State,
Washington, October 18, 1893

The President:

The full and impartial reports submitted by the Hon. James H. Blount, your special commissioner to the Hawaiian Islands, established the following facts:

Queen Liliuokalani announced her intention on Saturday, January 14, 1893, to proclaim a new constitution, but the opposition of her ministers and other induced her to speedily change her purpose and make public announcement of that fact.

At a meeting in Honolulu, late on the afternoon of that day, a so-called committee of public safety, consisting of thirteen men, being all or nearly all who were present, was appointed “to consider the situation and devise ways and means for the maintenance of the public peace and the protection of life and property,” and at a meeting of this committee on the 15th, or the forenoon of the 16th of January, it was resolved amongst other things that a provisional government be created “to exist until terms of union with the United States of America have been negotiated and agreed upon.” At a mass meeting which assembled at 2 p.m. on the last named day, the Queen and her supporters were condemned and denounced, and the committee was continued and all its act approved.

  Hawaii , with it's uniquely isolated location in the central Pacific Ocean and it's straddling of both American and East Asian spheres, lead it to developed a dynamic and very diverse population. Today Chinese, Japanese, Americans, Portuguese, British, and native Hawaiians all meld together I'm one of the most diverse populations in the United States if not the world. Hawaiians had lived in the islands for thousands of years before western contact. British and Portuguese whaling ships brought a small population of rough and tumble men to the islands. Chinese were brought to the islands as cheap labor to work the plantations and were brutally exploited. The Japanese government even after the Meiji restoration banned immigration to the islands until the 1870's for fear that they would be disgraced. The Americans came first as wealthy industrialist and plantation owners, later as the military sought yo set up a navel base to ensure the projection of American power in the Pacific after the Spanish American war and to rival the growing naval power of the Japanese Empire. American immigration increases enormously after the islands became a US state in 1959 and the state economy moved to a tourist based and hospitality industry similar to Florida.        

The Hawaiian economy, which prior to its admission into the United States as the 50th state revolved around the production of cash crops such as coffee, sugar, and pineapples. The Hawaiian Big Five virtually controlled the islands in a manor akin to the British east India company in India , subjection of the local population, cultivation of cash crops and the importing cheap labor. 

Liliuokalani was the last and certainly the most iconic Monarch of the Kingdom of Hawaii. She was crowed to the thrown in 1877 beating out here rival relatives in a special royal election among the Hawaiian nobles as the late king had left no heirs to the thrown. She was also the head of the church of Hawaii an Anglican institution that was formal established in 1862 , yet she was tolerant to the many East Asian immigrant who practiced Buddhism, Shintoism,and  Confucianism. She lead her kingdom until it's bitter end when the United States government over through the monarchy and established the islands of the Former Kingdom of Hawaii as the United States Hawaiian Territories. 
 Captain James Cooks of the British empire, was the first western to set foot on the islands of Hawaii. Western contact started in the year   1779. Ironically in the perspective of world history Cook meet a bloody end at the hands of the local Hawaiian warriors and was killed on St. Valentines Day of 1779 , for once the none westerns kicked some western ass! 
In 1791, North Kohala-born Kamehameha united the warring factions of Hawaii’s Big Island and went on to unify all of the Hawaiian Islands into one royal kingdom in 1810. In 1819, less than a year after King Kamehameha’s death, his son, Liholiho, abolished the ancient kapu system. In 1820, the first Protestant missionaries arrived on Hawaii’s Big Island filling the void left after the end of the kapu system. Hawaii became a port for seamen, traders and whalers.

The History of Hawaii

With only the stars to guide them, they miraculously sailed over 3,200 kilometres in canoes to migrate to the Islands. Settlers from Tahiti arrived, bringing their beliefs in gods and demi-gods and instituting a strict social hierarchy. Hawaiian culture flourished over the centuries, giving rise to the art of the hula and the sport of surfing, but land division conflicts between ruling chieftains were common.